Summer Programs with IWP

Summer institutes and workshops are key programs for the 175 Writing Project sites across the country. With schedules a bit less hectic in the summer, teachers are able to reflect, re-energize, and deepen their craft. The programs also serve as a pathway for educators who wish to take an active role in planning and leading Writing Project activities. Each summer the Illinois Writing Project offers a range of workshops, including many from our regularly featured topics, along with new opportunities as well. These are open enrollment, but schools and districts can schedule their own as well.

Participants speak to the value of our summer programs:

  • "This experience was life changing on both a professional and personal level."

  • "The IWP has inspired and rejuvenated my passion to teach writing. I am excited to implement many of the skills we discussed and tried. I have discovered new resources and research to reference in order to inform my practice. Can't wait to start a new school year."

  • " I learned the value of teaching what really matters in the classroom: authentic inquiry, rigorous critical thinking, and every person’s ability to grow as a writer, as a thinker, and as a person. We dwelled in possibilities, in potential, and in the positives of one other. We were led— led by inspiring, expert role models—to develop as confident leaders and learners ourselves."

This year’s 2023 summer program consists of the following options, scheduled so that participants can attend several, if they wish: